Sustainable Agriculture
Improving The Sustainability of Cocoa Smallholders Farming in Aceh, Indonesia | |
Elvira Iskandar, Siti Amanah, Aida Vitayala S Hubeis, Dwi Sadono, Litna Nurjannah Ginting |
The sustainable utilization of skipjack tuna in Northern Aceh waters | |
Indra Indra |
Assessment cytotoxic assay of Rhizophora plants mangrove using brine shrimp (Artemia salina L) model | |
indriaty indri indriaty |
Biomaterial and Bioindustry
Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Calotropis gigantea and its characterization using UV-Vis Spectroscopy | |
Pati Kemala, Khairan Khairan, Trina Ekawati Tallei, Muliadi Ramli, Rustam Efendi, Rinaldi Idroes |
Bamboo as Future Bio-Industrial Material: Physical behaviour and Bending Strength of Malaysia’s Beting Bamboo (Gigantochloa levis) | |
Syaiful Osman, Mansur Ahmad, Mohd Nazarudin Zakaria, Aina Munirah Zakaria, Zawawi Ibrahim, Falah Abu, Shahril Anuar Bahari, Wan Nor Raihan Wan Jaafar |
Characteristics of avocado (Persea americana) and kluwih (Artocarpus camansi) seeds starch with different extraction methods | |
Eti Indarti |
Environmental Studies
Physicochemical properties of particulate matter (PM2.5) from the steel industry in Indonesia | |
Rahyani Ermawati, Ira Setiawati, Irwinanita Irwinanita, Auliyah Ariani |
Study of C/N ratio of organic materials and its application in the production of natural fertilizer (bokashi) | |
Fauzan Fauzan, Muhammad Fadhil, Irfan Irfan, Dewi Yunita, Cut Erika, Rabya A Lahmer |
Communication Network on Indonesian Forest Fires on Twitter in Pandemic COVID-19 Era | |
Muslikhin Muslikhin, Lidya Wati Evelina, Mariko Rizkiansyah, Indra Prawira, Rahmat Edi Irawan |

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