International Conference on Chemistry and Chemistry Teaching Practices (ICoCCTP)
About the International Conference on Chemistry and Chemistry Teaching Practices (ICoCCTP) 2024
The International Conference on Chemistry and Chemistry Teaching Practices (ICoCCTP) is a leading international event hosted by Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK). The conference, themed “Chemistry for Sustainable Life”, provides a platform for researchers, educators, and practitioners to discuss cutting-edge advancements in chemistry and innovative teaching practices that contribute to sustainable development.
Key Scopes
ICoCCTP 2024 focuses on diverse fields of chemistry and education, including:
- Nano Chemistry
- Environmental Chemistry
- Chemistry Teaching and Learning
- Computational Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Material Chemistry
For More Information
For detailed information on registration, paper submission, and review processes, please visit our official website at:
Stay updated with the latest announcements and join us in making ICoCCTP 2024 a memorable event!

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The International Conference on Biology and Environmental Sciences (ICEBES) 2024
The International Conference on Biology and Environmental Sciences (ICEBES) 2024 is a biennial event organized by the Department of Biology at FMIPA USK, in collaboration with the Indonesian Biological Society (KOBI). This conference is designed to bring together researchers, academicians, and professionals from various parts of the world to discuss and share the latest advancements and research findings in the fields of biology and environmental sciences.
ICEBES 2024 is not only a platform for presenting cutting-edge research but also a venue for networking and fostering collaborations among participants. The conference features keynote speakers who are recognized experts in their fields, offering valuable insights and perspectives on current global challenges. Open to the public, this event encourages participation from anyone with an interest in biological and environmental sciences, making it a significant contribution to the global scientific community.
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The 1st Aceh International Conference in Geography and Environmental Education (AICGEE 2023) is the inaugural international conference organized by the Department of Geography Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at Syiah Kuala University. The conference has the theme "Local Wisdom for Strengthening Community Resilience in Disaster Mitigation and Environmental Sustainability." The growing attention to disasters is due to the realization that they are an inherent part of human life, often unpredictable in terms of timing, location, and magnitude. Disasters are events that impact communities and trigger responses to cope with the aftermath. The development of disaster knowledge has shaped public perception of disasters, leading to the understanding that they are events that cannot be predicted.
The enhancement of environmental, geographical, and disaster education for the community is an effort to raise awareness and knowledge about disasters and the actions that should be taken before, during, and after such events. Communicating disaster risks plays a crucial role in disaster education, offering insights into disasters for society. The increased attention to disasters is driven by the awareness of their dangers, which are often unpredictable in terms of timing, location, and magnitude.
Through in-depth studies of geography, environment, and education, the 1st AICGEE 2023 serves as an appropriate platform to assess scientific methods, generate and disseminate knowledge, transform scientific insights, respect diverse ideas and approaches, maintain public accountability, achieve excellence and integrity, and present accurate, peer-reviewed, and reputable scientific knowledge.
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The International Conference of Patchouli and Essential Oil Research Innovation
The essential oil business has grown significantly over the past decade and has not slowed down since the onset of COVID-19. In fact, it seems more and more people are turning to this oil for its calming, immune-boosting and disinfecting properties to help deal with pandemic stress.
Patchouli essential oil derived from the Pogostemon cablin Benth plant is in high demand and has wide applications in flavors, fragrances, cosmetics, luxury products, the food and beverage industry, and the pharmaceutical industry. The versatile nature and applications of essential oils highlight their importance in the global market.
As the largest patchouli oil exporting country, Indonesia has an advantage over the global patchouli oil market with focused programs to promote new patchouli cultivation strategies with its wide geographic area and the oil processing innovation technology is expected to become the largest patchouli oil producer in the post-pandemic world.
We are proud to invite national and international academia, researchers, policymakers, professionals and other stakeholders to join us at the International Conference On Patchouli and Essential Oil Research Innovation 2023 (IConPEORI-2023) which will be held on September 18-19, 2023 in Banda Aceh, Indonesia and online. The conference is hosted by ARC PUI PT Nilam, Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK). The aims are to elaborate research and innovation between academicians and practitioners around the world in the agriculture and bioindustry of essential oil fields, and to exhibit the history and the culture of Aceh. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Banda Aceh.
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TEFLIN - EEIC is the 69th TEFLIN International Conference in conjunction with the 3rd English Education International Conference.
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Seminar Nasional Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
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International Conference on Agricultural Technology, Engineering and Evironmental Sciences
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The Annual International Conference 2024 on Scinces and Engineering
The Annual International Conference (AIC) has been founded since 2011 which has a primary goal to promote multidisciplinary understanding of the latest research and innovations through discussion, exchange, and sharing among researchers, practitioners, academicians and students.
The AIC divided into three multidisciplinary conferences: the AIC on Sciences and Engineering , the AIC on Environmental and Life Sciences, and the AIC on Social Sciences.
The AIC on Sciences and Engineering topics of interests cover all, but are not limited to, theoretical and practical aspects of (1) Geology, Mining, Petroleum, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, (2) Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Urban Planning, (3) Chemical, Physical Sciences and Engineering, (4) Electrical, Computer Engineering, Information System, Mathematical Sciences.
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The Annual International Conference on Environmental & Life Sciences
The Annual International Conference (AIC) is an annual event hosted by Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK) which is the largest and oldest university in Aceh, Indonesia, since 2011.
The AIC divided into three multidisciplinary conferences: the AIC on Sciences and Engineering , the AIC on Environmental and Life Sciences, and the AIC on Social Sciences.
The AIC on Environmental and Life Sciences offers a special opportunity to bring together professors, researchers and scholars around the globe, and serves as a platform to deliver innovative research results and latest trends and development in the fields of environmental and life sciences.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, Environmental and Agriculture i.e. Environmental Sciences, Agriculture, Forestry, Food Science, and Animal Husbandry as well as Life Sciences/Biosciences i.e. Environmental Biology, Genetics and Biotechnology, Environmental Microbiology, Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation
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The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences
The Annual International Conference (AIC) has been founded since 2011 which has a primary goal to promote multidisciplinary understanding of the latest research and innovations through discussion, exchange, and sharing among researchers, practitioners, academicians and students.
The AIC divided into three multidisciplinary conferences: the AIC on Sciences and Engineering , the AIC on Environmental and Life Sciences, and the AIC on Social Sciences.
The AIC on Social Sciences topics of interests cover all, but are not limited to, theoretical and practical aspects of Economics, Business & Management, Art, Law & History, and Education.
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The 13th AIWEST-DR 2021
After entering the second decade from the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, the world has been progressing to focus on sustainable disaster risk reduction. AIWEST-DR was first launched in 2006 as part of Universitas Syiah Kuala’s contribution to ensure the messages from the 2004 tsunami pass across the regions and become lessons learned for other tsunami prone countries. It was first named as Annual International Workshop and Expo on Sumatra Tsunami Disaster Recovery during the first ninth consecutive events. Since 2016, this event’s name has been refined into a new name with the same abbreviation: Aceh International Workshop and Expo on Sustainable Tsunami Disaster Recovery (AIWEST-DR).
In 2019, TDMRC successfully took the step to globalize AIWEST-DR by offering Tohoku University (IRIDeS– International Research Institute of Disaster Science) organized that event as the long partnership between Tohoku University and Universitas Syiah Kuala.
The 13th AIWEST-DR 2021 conference aims to bring together hundreds of participants globally to connect and discuss possible solutions about issues that matter in sustainable DRR today, including our joint future beyond the Covid-19 pandemic. This year’s theme will be “Strengthening Community Resilience from Compound Disaster in Pandemic Situations”. It will be an opportunity to increase participants’ awareness and understanding of disaster risks during a pandemic.
The 13th AIWEST-DR 2021 conference organizing committee remains vigilant in its monitoring of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to prioritize the health, safety, and wellbeing of its attendees. Because of this, the conference will be held in a hybrid format, offering both onsite and virtual versions to accommodate all participants. We believe that our decision will allow many more people to participate in AIWEST-DR 2021.
We want to ensure the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR), released in Sendai-Japan in 2005, be resonant in the mind of disaster researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. Therefore, we invite researchers, academia, disaster practitioners, and managers to submit their extended abstracts to the 13th AIWEST-DR 2021.
The scope of the AIWEST‐DR 2021 are expected to cover the following topics (but are not limited):
1. Geohazards, Technology, and Infrastructure;
2. Coastal City Resilience Towards Natural Hazard;
3. Knowledge management for Disaster Risk Reduction;
4. Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance;
5. Human Security and Disaster Medicine;
6. Policy Making for Sustainable Disaster Risk Reduction;
7. Hydro-meteorological Hazards and Climate Changes;
8. Tsunami Numerical Modeling and Its Applications;
9. Resilient City Planning;
10. Evacuation Planning and Training;
11. Disaster Education;
12. Emergency Handling and Psychological Dimension of Responses;
13. ICT Application in Disaster Management;
14. GIS and Remote Sensing for Disaster Management;
15. Local and Indigenous Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction;
16. Applied Geosciences for Disaster Risk Reduction;
17. Effective Recovery, Rehabilitation, and Reconstruction;
18. Paleotsunami and Paleoseismic studies;
19. Disaster Management in Religious Perspective;
20. Progress of SFDRR implementation;
21. Pandemic and Communicable Diseases.
For the update please visit our official website :
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The Aceh International Symposium on Civil Engineering
The conference will be held on October 28-29, 2021, in Banda Aceh, Aceh Province, Indonesia by Webinar / Online. This conference is hosted by Syiah Kuala University (recognizably abbreviated as UNSYIAH), the largest and the oldest national university in Aceh. The AISCE is an annual international conference carried out regularly by Civil Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University since 2018.
The 3rd AISCE 2021 will provide an excellent forum for sharing the knowledge and research findings amongst academicians, professionals and governments. Topics of interests cover all theoretical, computational and practical aspects of Civil Engineering. The primary goal of this conference is organized to promote multidisciplinary understanding of the latest research and innovations through discussion, exchange, and sharing of information amongst researchers, practitioners, academicians and students.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
– Structural and Construction Engineering
– Civil Engineering Material Technologies
– Geotechnical Engineering
– Hydrotechnical Engineering
– Water Resources Management
– Transportation Engineering and Management
– Construction Management
– Quantity Surveying
– Environmental Engineering
– Green Construction Materials and Technologies
– Forensic Engineering
– Disaster Mitigation and Management
For further information, please visit our website :
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Simposium Nasional Teknik Sipil
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The 1st SEA-STEM (Southeast Asia - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is a virtual international conference organized by the STEM Research Center, Universitas Syiah Kuala (Unsyiah), supported by USAID through the Partnership for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) Program, in collaboration with IMT-GT UniNet (Indonesia Malaysia, Thailand - Growth Triangle, University Network). This conference is a collaboration forum to discuss and share creative ideas, innovations, and the latest research progress in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This activity is a solid platform for academics, researchers, practitioners, and technology professionals from around the world to review and present the latest advances in their respective fields.
The sub-theme includes the following ares:STEM Education, Science Education, Mathematics Education, Natural Science, Applied Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Computer, Information Technology, Electronics, IoT, and AI
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Aceh Surgery Update

Aceh Surgery Update 2 diikuti oleh Dokter Spesialis, Dokter Umum/Residen Bedah, untuk saling membagi keahlian dan pengetahuan dalam pemutakhiran ilmu terbaru di bidang Ilmu Bedah terutama bidang Bedah Thoraks Kardio & Vascular, Urologi, Bedah Saraf, dan Bedah Onkologi di Indonesia.
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The Annual International Conference on Mathematic, Science, Technology and Education

We are delighted to welcome academicians, students , researchers and education professionals to meet and share the recent research findings in AICMSTE dated 18th and 19 September-2023 at Banda Aceh under the theme: Mathematic, Science, Technology and Education. The International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education is aimed at becoming the leading annual conference in fields related to Science Educations, Mathematics Educations and Technology Enhanced Learning.
The main purpose of the 2nd AICMSTE is to facilitate scholars from all over the world to present advances in the relevant fields and to exchanging ideas and information among the researchers in science and mathematics learning and teaching practices as well as technology utility in teaching learning both at higher institutions and schools. This conference will also provide an ideal environment to develop new collaborations and meet experts on the fundamentals, applications, and development of the mentioned fields.
To get all explanations about AICMSTE, please open the page.
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Aceh Global Conference Business, Economics and Sustainable Development Trends (AGC-BEST)

It is an honour to welcome you to The 2nd AGC-BEST 2019 International Conference. The conference will be held on October 16-18, 2019, in Banda Aceh, Aceh Province, Indonesia. This conference is hosted by Syiah Kuala University (recognizably abbreviated as UNSYIAH), the largest and the oldest national university in Aceh. The AGC-BEST is an annual international conference carried out regularly by Economic and Business Faculty of Syiah Kuala University (FEB-UNSYIAH) since 2018.The 2nd AGC-BEST 2019 will provide an excellent forum for sharing knowledge and research findings among academicians, professionals, and governments. Topics of interests cover all theoretical and practical aspects of Business, Economics, and Sustainable Development Trends. The primary goal of the 2nd AGC-BEST 2019 on is organized to promote multidisciplinary understanding of the latest research and innovations through discussion, exchange, and sharing among researchers, practitioners, and academicians.
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Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran UNSYIAH

Pada tahun ini, FK Unsyiah memperingati hari jadi ke-33. Sebagai bagian dari dunia pendidikan kedokteran di tingkat Nasional maupun Internasional, Fakultas Kedokteran Unsyiah berkewajiban untuk berperan aktif dalam perkembangan mutakhir dunia kedokteran serta dituntut untuk menemukan inovasi-inovasi baru dalam tatalaksana medis dan penelitian kedokteran. Melalui kegiatan temu ilmiah ini diharapkan sebagai ajang silaturrahmi antar civitas akademika FK Unsyiah sembari mendapatkan update di bidang kedokteran dan kesehatan. Kami percaya bahwa melalui kegiatan-kegiatan ilmiah serupa civitas akademika FK Unsyiah mampu memunculkan inovasi-inovasi baru dalam bidang kedokteran.
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Aceh International Nursing Conference
It is an honour to welcome you to the 1st Aceh International Nursing Conference (AINC). The conference will be held on October 25-27, 2018, Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia and is hosted by the Faculty of Nursing (Fakultas Keperawatan), Syiah Kuala University (abbreviated as UNSYIAH). Established in 1999, the Faculty of Nursing-Unsyiah continually strives to increase capacity in offering the best nursing education in Indonesia. Efforts to improve curriculum and resources are attempts undertaken to strengthen its strategic position as the largest and the oldest nursing education center in Aceh.
The upcoming conference is therefore conducted to manifest the Faculty of Nursing commitment to advance nursing research and education both for local and national context. It is initially was inspired by the Unsyiah’s previous achievements in conducting several international conferences whereby the Faculty of Nursing contributed significantly in those events. The theme offered for the conference is “Bridging The Gaps: Linking Evidence To Practice In Nursing And Health Sciences”. Topic of interests cover all theoretical and practical aspects of nursing and health sciences in broad spectrum. It is expected that the AINC 2018 would be a great opportunity to disseminate and promote the latest research and innovations in nursing. This will provide an excellent forum for sharing knowledge and information across academicians, professionals, and government to optimize healthcare quality and safety around the globe. The selected paper will be eligible to be presented at the conference and published in Scitepress to be submitted by indexation by: Scopus, Thompson Reuters, Computer science bibliography, Ei Compendex, Semantic Scholar, dblp.
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International Conference on Natural Environmental Sciences

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At the 11th CRISU-CUPT conference in Chiang May October 28th - 31th, 2016, University of Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh has been appointed to hold the 12th CRISU-CUPT Conference 2017 in Indonesia. It is a great honor for University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh to taking part and hosting this prestigious conference.
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Aceh Global Conference on Social, Communication and Political Sciences (AGC-SCOPOS) is an International Conference for information distribution, scientific discussions on Social, Communication and Political Sciences which organizes by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Syiah Kuala.
AGC-SCOPOS provides an excellent forum for sharing knowledge and research findings among academics, professionals, practices and governments. The topic of interest covers all the theoretical and practical aspects.
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International Conference on Experimental & Computational Mechanic in Engineering
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Syiah Kuala International Conference on Medical and Health Science is the annual conference organized by The Medical Faculty of Syiah Kuala University, INDONESIA.
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The International Conference of Essential Oil
The 2nd International Conference of Essential Oils Indonesia 2019 (2nd ICEO 2019), an international biennial scientific event organized by Essential Oil Institute of Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia and Essential Oils Research Center of Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh, Indonesia will be taking place in Banda Aceh, Indonesia during 29-30 October 2019. With the conference theme “Improvement of Quality Through Standardization of Raw Material, Processes and Essential Oil Products”, the scope of the conference would cover a broad topics of interest. The topics of interest include, but not limited to:
- Basic and Applied Research on Aromatic Plants,
- Essential Oils Processing and Product Quality,
- Application and Uses of Essential Oils, and
- Social, Economic, Policy and Legislation Issues of Essential Oils.
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The International Conference on Chemical Engineering & Applied Sciences
The International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applied Sciences (ICChEAS) is a biennial scientific event to accommodate academic and professional communities to discuss and exchange ideas. Previously, ICChEAS was known as International Conference on Chemical Engineering Sciences and Applications (ICChESA), which was held recently in 2017 (
This year, the ICChEAS will be organized collaboratively by Chemical Engineering Department of Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia together with the Chemical Engineering Department, Riau University (UNRI), Indonesia, Vocational School, Diponegoro University (UNDIP), Indonesia, and the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia.
The two-day conference (will provoke plenary sessions, Keynote speeches, Poster, and Oral Presentations. This program provides two days of robust discussions and presentation about the most recent innovations, trends and concerns, practical challenges and the problem solution adopted in the field of chemical engineering and applied sciences for global requirements in the digital age.
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International Graduate Conference on Innovation, Creativity, Digital, and Technopreneurship for Sustainable Development
This conference will provide opportunities to present ideas raising awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals to promote research and action in Innovation, Creativity, Digital and technopreunership for Sustainable development and and technological contexts.
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International Conference on Agriculture and Bioindustry (ICAGRI)
Conference Information
Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala
Jln. Tgk. Hasan Krueng Kalee No. 3, Kopelma Darussalam,
Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 23111
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Roundtable for Indonesian Enterpreneurship Educator (RIEE) 2018
Universitas Syiah Kuala bekerjasama dengan Perkumpulan Pendidik Kewirausahaan Indonesia (PERWIRA) mempersembahkan sebuah kegiatan forum diskusi ilmiah untuk para akademisi (Dosen dan Mahasiswa) Kewirausahaan seluruh Indonesia yang berupaya untuk merumuskan strategi guna mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional dalam era disrupsi ekonomi.
Kegiatan yang bertajuk Roundtable for Indonesian Entrepreneurship Educators (RIEE) 2018 ini mengangkat tema: "Perubahan Menuju Digitalpreneurs: Kesempatan dan Tantangan dalam Menghadapi Era Disrupsi Ekonomi" akan dilaksanakan pada 3-5 Oktober 2018 di Unversitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh.
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Seminar Nasional Lahan Kering
Seminar Nasional Lahan Kering
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Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Fisika
Seminar Nasional merupakan agenda tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Prodi Pendidikan Fisika FKIP Unsyiah, Darussalam, Banda Aceh. Informasi lebih lanjut
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Southeast Asian Forest Research and Conservation International Conference
2018 Southeast Asian Biodiversity, Science Education and Humanity International Conference will feature cutting edge research on Southeast Asian/Indonesian forests and conservation from distinguished international and local experts in the fields of primatology, ecology, biology, zoology, conservation, science education and humanity.
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The 6th South East Asia - Design Research Conference
Welcome to Open Conference Systems.
This page is only used for registration and upload of papers for The 6th SEA-DR International Conference.
To find out information about The 6th SEA-DR International Conference, please visit Website
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Seminar Nasional ini merupakan agenda tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA Program Pascasarjana Universitas Syiah Kuala. Kegiatan seminar pada tahun 2017 ini dapat terwujud berkat kerjasama antara Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA Program Pascasarjana Universitas Syiah Kuala dengan Jurusan Pendidikan MIPA FKIP Universitas Samudra, dan Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII) Provinsi Aceh. Melalui seminar ini diharapkan berbagai hasil penelitian/pemikiran peneliti/praktisi dalam bidang MIPA atau pendidikan MIPA dapat didiskusikan. Selain itu, seminar ini juga diharapkan dapat menjadi wadah bagi pendidik, peneliti, praktisi, mahasiswa, dan stake holder lainnya untuk bekerjasama dan sharring terkait peran strategis bidang MIPA maupun pendidikan MIPA dalam upaya mempersiapkan calon enterpreneuer guna meningkatkan pembangunan ekonomi dan daya saing bangsa Indonesia.
Berdasarkan hasil Seminar ini telah direview 3 buah makalah dari narasumber dan 93 buah makalah dari pemakalah oral, namun hanya 89 buah makalah dari pemakalah oral yang dapat diterima untuk dipresentasikan. Adapun makalah tersebut terdiri atas bidang kimia (28 buah), fisika (23 buah), biologi (12 buah), IPA (13 buah), dan IPTEK (13 buah). Makalah-makalah yang akan dipresentasikan secara oral pada kegiatan tersebut, direncanakan diterbitkan pada Prosiding Seminar Nasional MIPA III dalam versi cetak maupun
online, serta sebagian diantaranya yang memenuhi persyaratan akan dimuat pada Jurnal IPA dan Pembelajaran IPA (JIPI)....
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Seminar Nasional & Expo Teknik Elektro
Seminar Nasional dan Expo Teknik Elektro (SNETE) merupakan wahana pertemuan ilmiah yang dilaksanakan setiap tahun oleh Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Syiah Kuala. SNETE ke-6 tahun 2017 ini direncanakan akan dilaksanakan di Banda Aceh, Provinsi Aceh pada tanggal 18 Oktober 2017. Forum ilmiah ini merupakan suatu kegiatan penting untuk menghubungkan kalangan industri dan pemerintah sebagai unsur pengambil kebijakan dengan akademisi dan peneliti dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di seluruh Indonesia. Tema yang diusung dalam SNETE 2017. ini adalah: “Penguatan dan Kontribusi Teknik elektro dan Komputer disektor ESDM dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Ketahanan Energi Nasional”.
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The National Conference on Teachers' Professional Development
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International Conference on Chemical Engineering Sciences & Applications
The International Conference on Chemical Engineering Sciences and Applications (ICChESA) is a biennial scientific event organized by the Chemical Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia. The objective of ICChESA is to gather the scientists, researchers, scholars, educators, professionals and students in different fields of chemical engineering from ASEAN and beyond to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and explore possibilities of building cooperation networking. The ICChESA would become an ideal international platform for participants to share their knowledge and experiences in the fields of chemical engineering and its related subjects.
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