Last modified: 2023-12-19
Creative thinking is one of the most important parts of 21st-century education in Indonesia. In learning physics, the level of creative thinking skills of students in Indonesia is relatively low. This research aims to identify improvements in creative thinking skills on fluency indicators based on the results of the development of STEM-based physics LKPD with the Engineering Design Process model PIRPOSAL. The research method used is research and development using the ADDIE model for the ADD stage, which consists of three stages: analysis, design, and development. The development stage uses a limited-scale or small-scale test. The sample for this study was made up of students of Class X MIPA SMA Negeri 15 Adidarma Banda Aceh. Data collection instruments used were validation sheets, creative thinking skills tests, and student and teacher response questionnaires. The results of the STEM-based LKPD research with the EDP model of PIRPOSAL obtained a value of 3.53 with a very valid category from media experts, 3.42 with a very valid category from material experts, and 3.70 with a very valid category from linguists. The response of pupils and teachers to STEM-based LKPD with the PIRPOSAL model EDP received 84% and 95.31% in the very good category, respectively. Based on the results of the N-Gain test to see improvements in creative thinking skills on fluency indicators after a limited test on STEM-based LKPD with EDP, the PIRPOSAL model obtained a N-Gain score of 0.97 in the highest category. So STEM-based LKPD with the PIRPOSAL model of EDP can enhance creative thinking skills on fluency indicators in physics learning.