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Scheduled Conference Title
The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematic, Science, Technology and Education Adsorption of Methylene Blue onto Oyster Shell, Fe₃O₄, Humic Acid: Kinetics Study Abstract
Siti N Simbolon, Ibnu Khaldun, Zulfadli Zulfadli, Muhammad Nasir, Kana Puspita, Syahrial Syahrial
The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematic, Science, Technology and Education AN INNOVATIVE STEM-BASED STUDENTS’ WORKSHEET TO ENHANCE SCIENTIFIC LITERACY AT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Abstract
Susilawati Susilawati, Putri Nurul Alfiza, Muhammad Syukri, Syahrul Ridha, Saminan Saminan, Abdul Hamid
The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematic, Science, Technology and Education Analysis of Problem-Solving Skills In Colloid System Context Using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model Abstract
Latifah Hanum
The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematic, Science, Technology and Education Development of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Worksheet based on Blended Learning to Enhance Students’ Critical Thinking Abstract
Elmi Mahzum, Fitria Herliana, Elisa Elisa, Evendi Evendi, Ngadimin Ngadimin, A. Halim, Rafita Nanda Sari
The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematic, Science, Technology and Education Development of STEM-based Physics LKPD with PIRPOSAL Engineering Design Process Model to Improve Creative Thinking Skills Abstract
Muhammad Syukri, Qory Oktaria, Elmi Mahzum, Ngadimin Ngadimin, Fitria Herliana, Wiwit Artika, Mawarni Saputri
The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematic, Science, Technology and Education Effect of Learning Organic Chemistry Through Blended Learning on Environmental Awareness of Pre Service Chemistry Teachers Abstract
Sulastri Sulastri, Muhammad Nazar, Syahrial Syahrial, Habibati Habibati, Teuku Aldiansyah
The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematic, Science, Technology and Education Efficacy of Herbal Tea from Pogostemon cablin Benth. Leaf Waste against Antidiabetic Abstract
erlidawati erlidawati, Rahmad Rizki Fazli, Abdul Gani, Widya Rosa, Chessy Rima Mustika, Musri Musman
The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematic, Science, Technology and Education Implementation of the I-CON Model in Constructing Mathematical Proof Abstract
siti shara siagian
The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematic, Science, Technology and Education Optimizing Synthesis of Carbon Quantum Dots Derived from Rice Washing Wastewater Abstract
Muhammad Nazar, Fitri Khairani, Kana Puspita, Rusman Rusman
The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematic, Science, Technology and Education THE EFFECT OF THE VIDEO-Assisted LEARNING CYCLE 7E MODEL TO IMPROVE SCIENCE LITERACY IN ATOMIC CORE MATERIALS AND RADIOACTIVITY Abstract
Nurulwati Nurulwati
The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematic, Science, Technology and Education The Game Chromatic Numbers of Corona Graphs Abstract
Firmansyah Firmansyah, Riduan Yusuf, Fitria Puspa Dewi, Abdul Mujib
The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematic, Science, Technology and Education THE INFLUENCE OF SELF EFFICACY ON UNDERSTANDING OF PHYSICS MATERIALS AT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Abstract
Susilawati Susilawati, sakhkhara lana rizki, Agus Wahyuni, Susanna Susanna, Nurulwati Nurulwati, Musdar Musdar
The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematic, Science, Technology and Education Utilization of the Kahoot Application to Minimize Academic Dishonesty among MAS Insan Qur’ani Students in Physics Examinations Abstract
Ahmad Farhan, Fitria Herliana, Mawarni Saputri, Zainuddin Zainuddin, Nurulwati Nurulwati, Muhammad Syukri, Fathya Salsabilla
1 - 13 of 13 Items