Sustainable Agriculture
Growth responses of maize-soybean intercropping system and its potential for cattle feed in Bali | |
Anella Retna Kumala Sari, Rachmad Dharmawan |
Agricultural Biotechnology
Improving of True Shallot Seeds Germination By The Application of Plant Growth Regulators and Osmoconditioning Treatment | |
Khairil Anwar Tanjung, Luthfi Aziz Mahmud Siregar, Luthfi Aziz Mahmud Siregar, Revandy Iskandar M Damanik, Revandy Iskandar M Damanik |
Identifying of unripe ambon and hijau banana fruits using computer vision and extreme learning machine classifier | |
Candra Dewi, Endang Arisoesilaningsih, Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy, Solimun Solimun |
Animal Husbandry
Effect of Rumen Degradable Protein and Sulfur Supplementation on In Vitro Digestibility and Ruminal Fermentation | |
Annisa Rosmalia, Astriani Astriani, Wira Pratama Sahroni, Idat Galih Permana, Despal Despal |
Identification of feeding management and their impact on milk fatty acid profiles from traditional dairy cows in Pangalengan sub-district | |
Dwitami Anzhany, Despal Despal, Toto Toharmat, Noerhayati Rofiah, Norma Nuraina, Atikah Nur Hamidah, Ayu Cusiayuni |
The accuracy of several in vitro methods in estimating in vivo digestibility of the tropical dairy ration | |
Despal Despal, Defriandi T TP Manik, Dwierra Evvyernie, Rika Zahera |
The Effect of Giving a Combination of The Ark With Ammonized Citronella Grass Waste To The Quality of Lactated Etawah Crossbreed Goat Milk | |
Dzarnisa Dzarnisa |
The Use of Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) to Predict Dairy Fibre Feeds In Vitro Digestibility | |
Rika Zahera, Laila Atika Sari, Idat Galih Permana, Despal Despal |
Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) Detection to Differentiate Morning and Afternoon Milk Based on Nutrient Contents and Fatty Acid Profiles | |
Berliana P Oktavianti, Despal Despal, Toto Toharmat, Rika Zahera |
Performance of peking ducks by ration containing of leubiem fish (Chanthidermis maculatus) waste and probiotic | |
Muhammad Daud |

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