Sustainable Agriculture
Improving The Sustainability of Cocoa Smallholders Farming in Aceh, Indonesia | |
Elvira Iskandar, Siti Amanah, Aida Vitayala S Hubeis, Dwi Sadono, Litna Nurjannah Ginting |
Optimized Utilization of Scad fish (Decapterus spp.) Resource in Northern Coast of Aceh | |
Sofyan Sofyan, M. Dhiya Farhan, Litna Nurjannah Ginting |
Technical Efficiency of Rice Farming in Aceh Province, Indonesia | |
Hendra Gunawan, M. Shabri Abd Majid, Raja Masbar |
Food Science
Effect of grated coconut and water ratio and commercial cheese starter percentage on characteristics of soft cheese made from coconut milk | |
Dewi Yunita, Dinda Mariska, Syarifah Rohaya, Elsa Varizki, Konstantinos Gkatzionis, Diirisa Mugampoza |

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