USK Conferences, Previous ICAGRI 2021

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The Comparison between Cyber Extension and Traditional communication for Farmers in Bangil, Indonesia.
mariko rizkiansyah, Arleen Ariestyani, Dr. Ulani Yunus

Last modified: 2021-09-19


Data from the Indonesian Seed and Farmers Technology Association data shows that 22 percent of Indonesian farmers have used smartphones to obtain agricultural information. But many farmers still struggle to get information especially in the pandemic era. This research is to find out how the comparison of information delivery patterns between traditional media and cyber media on farmers in Bangil. Indonesia. This research theory uses the theory of cyber extensions. This research method by, observe online media, interviewing several farmers in Bangil and supported by survey data to 85 farmers in Bangil. The results showed that although cyber media began to enter as one of the sources of information for farmers, only a few were dependent on online, while the rest still relied on information from extension methods. Counselling still needed as a connection between farmers and Internet.


farmers, agricultural, cyber extension, bangil, communication