Sustainable Agriculture
Growth and production of potato mini tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) in the aeroponic system by root zone treatment and concentration of leaf-fertilizer | |
Rizky Filiyanda Lhokitasari, Marai Rahmawati, Mardhiah Hayati |
Rice growth phase analysis in Pidie regency, Indonesia using multitemporal Sentinel-2 image data: a spectral angle mapper approach | |
Sugianto Sugianto, Nola Lisviananda, Muhammad Rusdi |
Environmental Studies
Study of C/N ratio of organic materials and its application in the production of natural fertilizer (bokashi) | |
Fauzan Fauzan, Muhammad Fadhil, Irfan Irfan, Dewi Yunita, Cut Erika, Rabya A Lahmer |
Food Science
Screening factors affecting chitosan extraction from mud crab (Scylla sp) shell using microwave irradiation for the Response Surface Approach | |
Normalina Arpi, Fahrizal Fahrizal, Yanti Meldasari Lubis, Asmawati Asmawati, Muhammad Tryvan Fayyadh, Yuniar Atmajaya |

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