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, SpBTKV, FIHA, dr. Yopie Afriandi Habibie


-, Akhyar
-, Darmadi -, Syiah Kuala University
-, Fachrurrazi, Syiah Kuala University
-, Fauzi -, Syiah Kuala University
-, Husaini, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Syiah Kuala University
-, Miftahuddin, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Syiah Kuala University
-, milawarni78 -, Lhokseumawe State Polithecnic
-, mulyazmi, univ. bung Hatta
-, Muttaqin
-, Pardi -, Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic
-, rahmaddiansyah, Universitas Syiah Kuala
-, raudah -, Lhokseumawe State Politechnic
-, Syawaliah -, Syiah Kuala University, Faculty Of Engineering, Chemical Engineering Department
-, zahrina -, UNIVERSITAS SYIAH KUALA.<br />
-, Zulkifli -, Lhokseumawe State Politechnic


., Bakhtiar
., Dahril
., Damayanti
., Dasrul
., Desiana
., Fadhlia
., Fitria
., Hidayaturrahmi
., Husnah

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