Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

Sustainable Agriculture

analysis of farmers’ perceptions of the rice farming business insurance (autp) program in landak regency
Ellyta Ellyta, Ekawati Ekawati, Rahmatullah Rizieq

Biomaterial and Bioindustry

Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Calotropis gigantea and its characterization using UV-Vis Spectroscopy
Pati Kemala, Khairan Khairan, Trina Ekawati Tallei, Muliadi Ramli, Rustam Efendi, Rinaldi Idroes
Utilization of Areca nut (Arecha chatechu L.) extract for tannin based colorimetric indicator in smart packaging
Nova Rahmi Yanti, Muhammad Andika, Siti Maulida, Riani Riani, Ismail Sulaiman, Novia Mehra Erfiza

Environmental Studies

Physicochemical properties of particulate matter (PM2.5) from the steel industry in Indonesia
Rahyani Ermawati, Ira Setiawati, Irwinanita Irwinanita, Auliyah Ariani
Study of C/N ratio of organic materials and its application in the production of natural fertilizer (bokashi)
Fauzan Fauzan, Muhammad Fadhil, Irfan Irfan, Dewi Yunita, Cut Erika, Rabya A Lahmer

Animal Husbandry

The accuracy of several in vitro methods in estimating in vivo digestibility of the tropical dairy ration
Despal Despal, Defriandi T TP Manik, Dwierra Evvyernie, Rika Zahera
Production of poultry feather hydrolysate using HCl and NaOH as a growth medium substrate for indigenous strains
Nanung Agus Fitriyanto, Yanis Ramadhanti, Rismiyati Rismiyati, Imaniar Rusyadi, Ambar Pertiwiningrum, Ragil Adi Prasetyo, Yuny Erwanto


Communication Network on Indonesian Forest Fires on Twitter in Pandemic COVID-19 Era
Muslikhin Muslikhin, Lidya Wati Evelina, Mariko Rizkiansyah, Indra Prawira, Rahmat Edi Irawan