The 1st Syiah Kuala International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences
Future Of Medicine | |
Ahmad Asmadi Yusof |
Taiwan National Health Insurance | |
Michael Wei-Chih LIU |
The Research Mindset, Selected Considerations | |
Mary (‘Maria’) E Herman |
Management of Cancer Pain: Focus on Antineurophatic Pain | |
Dessy R Emril |
Cancer Stem Cell: The New Role of Carcinogenesis | |
Dedy Syahrizal |
The Role of Histopathologic Examination | |
Reno Keumalazia Kamarlis |
Diphtheria: Prevention And Treatment | |
Raihan . |
Controversion and Dilemmas of Hormone Therapy in Menopause Women: until when? | |
Rajuddin ., Ali Baziad |
Management of Erectile Dysfunction in Endocrine Perspective | |
Hendra Jufry |
Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) | |
Jufriady Ismy |
Acute Diarrhea Management in Children | |
Sulaiman Yusuf |
Appropriate Administration of Antibiotics on Children | |
Kartini Hasballah |
Orthopedic Emergencies | |
Safrizal Rahman |
Adult Immunization | |
Kurnia Fitri Jamil |
Childhood Segmental Vitiligo | |
Fitria . |
Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children | |
Jufitriani Ismy |
Biochemical And Haematology Result Interpretation In Children | |
Desiana . |
In Vivo Antihyperglicemic Agent Evaluation in Mice | |
Kartini Hasballah |
In Vitro Effect of 96% Ethanol Extract of Bitter Herbs (Andrographis Paniculata Nees) on Morphological Changes Of Plasmodium Falciparum Parasites | |
Safarianti ., Aty Widyawaruyanti, Hilkatul Ilmi, Achmad Fuad, Lidya Tumewu, Indah Tantular |
Evolution of Human Skin | |
Reza Maulana, Nur Wahyuniati |
Understanding Neutrophils: How it Moves | |
Nur Wahyuniati, Ichsan . |
Diabetic Ketoacidosis in 2 Years and 9 Months Old Girl | |
Jufitriani Ismy |
The Effect of Lead Acetate Exposure Toward the Histophatology of hepatic cells in White Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) Protected by Vitamin E | |
Hidayaturrahmi . |
The Role of Ultrasonography Exam in Baker’s Cyst: Case Report | |
Muhammad Bayu Z Hutagalung, Panji Anugerah, Safrizal Rahman |
Whether Eclampsia Requires Care in the ICU? : An Article | |
Mohd Andalas, Ronald ., AT Donny |
Rising Rates of Caesarean Section in Dr. Zainoel Abidin Hospital Banda Aceh Since the Promulgation of BPJS (Period January 1st 2014-December 31st 2016) | |
Mohd. Andalas, Raudhatul Jannah, Siti Harisah, Ichsan ., Muhammad Haekal |
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus on Pregnancy in dr. Zainoel Abidin Hospital Banda Aceh: A Case Report | |
Mohd. Andalas, Nailis Saadah, Nia Wahyuni, Nadiva ., Pocut Adilla |
Neglected Tuberculosis in Pregnancy, What Should We Do? | |
Mohd. Andalas, Rizka Aditya |
Pregnancy with Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Zainoel Abidin General Hospital Banda Aceh: a Case Report | |
Febrina Yolanda, Mohd Andalas, Ashabul Anhar, Romi Satria |
A Case of Silent Spontaneous Uterine Rupture at 27-28 Weeks of Gestation, Two Prior C- Sections and History of Uterine Rupture | |
Lutfi ., Tengku Puspa Dewi |
The Relationships of Clinical Features and Laboratory as Risk Factors of Shock in Dengue Hemorage Fever | |
Mulyati Sri Rahayu |
Nasal Saline Irrigation for Healty Nose to Mucociliar Clearence: Perspective In Medical Study and Al-Qur’an | |
Teuku Husni TR, Fadhlia ., Damayanti . |
SCN1A Gene Variation in Epilepsy and Migraine Patients | |
Nova Dian Lestari, Endang Mutiawati, Ahmad Hamim Sadewa, Syahrul ., Adang Bachtiar, Darwin Amir, Gino Tann, Hasan Sjahrir |
Shock Management in Children | |
Nora Sovira |
How to Prescribe Antibiotics Prudently? | |
Wilda Mahdani |
The Role of Patterns in Forming Personality | |
Zulfa Zahra |
Surgical correction of involutional lower eyelid entropion and excess eyelid skin : a variation of blepharoplasty technique | |
Siti Hajar, Mirnasari Amirsyah |
Diet on Cancer Patients | |
Husnah . |
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