USK Conferences, International Graduate Conference on Innovation, Creativity, Digital and TEchnopreneurship for Sustainable Development

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Geospatial Information and One Map Policy: Challenges and Opportunities in Innovation and Competitiveness of Entrepreneurship of Industrial Revolution 4.0
Sugianto Sugianto, Hendra Syahputra, Muhammad Rusdi

Last modified: 2019-03-13


More and more businesses are looking for different types of data and the analysis of new forms to remain competitive in running his/her business.  Various innovations have been and continue to be developed in an attempt to extend the reach of marketplaces to take advantage of existing data sources including lately using geospatial data. On the other hand, the government of Indonesia in 2016 has introduced one map policy. The use of geospatial data and one map policy are forms of synergy in creating digital innovations and develop entrepreneurship. This article presents a study related to the use of geospatial data and the one map policy in creating opportunities and challenges of change and the development of the entrepreneurship.   The method of geospatial data can bring up an important source of information in both traditional data analysis as well as data analysis.  Geospatial data analysis tool to synergize with other data that can be integrated with product analysis and business innovation development opportunities, allowing the users this data will continue to evolve. The enactment of a policy map and the use of geospatial data available will create economic efficiency, and will simplify the process of licensing effort because the geographic and location information, i.e., geocoding can be easily obtained. The reference base map as the basis for decision policy will improve the accuracy of location-related details from a variety of economic activities. This condition will provide certainty in an attempt, by itself will create a new entrepreneurship to anticipate the disruption of industrial revolution 4.0 era.

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