USK Conferences, International Graduate Conference on Innovation, Creativity, Digital and TEchnopreneurship for Sustainable Development

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Participatory Evaluation of Facilities and Infrastructure at Public Hospital of Sabang City in Facing a Fire Disaster
Saifan Ramadhana, Ismail AB, Taqwaddin Husin

Last modified: 2019-03-13


Fire is the occurrence of unwanted fire or fire that is not in place, the disaster is formed by three elements, namely  fuel or combustible materials, oxygen, and heat sources. This study aimed to evaluate the facilities and infrastructure of Sabang hospital in preparedness against fire. This study used descriptive methods with a qualitative approach through observation. The results of the study found that there are still aspects of the facilities for fire disaster management at Sabang hospital which are not yet available such as fire alarms; fire hydrant; emergency telephone line; evacuation route; exit sign; emergency exit door; sloping path; and gathering points. Meanwhile, aspects that have been available include prohibited smoking signs and also light fire extinguishers. It can be concluded that the facilities and infrastructure of Sabang hospital in fire preparedness are not eligible. Thus, there must be improvement to the management of Sabang Hospital in order to meet all aspects of infrastructure facilities for fire disaster management systems in accordance with the Technical Guidelines for Hospital Infrastructure, Active Fire Protection System by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.

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