USK Conferences, International Graduate Conference on Innovation, Creativity, Digital and TEchnopreneurship for Sustainable Development

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The Strategy of Regional Disaster Management Agency in Disaster Risk Reduction in Banda Aceh
Dwi Dendi, Yusa Abubakar, Didik Sugiyanto

Last modified: 2019-03-13


According to the Government Regulations Number 21, 2008, a regional disaster management agency (BPBD) (2008) is a regional government agency that organize the disaster management in a region level. This agency organizes disaster management which aims to ensure the implementation of disaster management in a planned, integrated, coordinated and comprehensive manner in order to provide protection for the community from threats, risks and impacts of disasters. The goal of this study is to find out and analyze the community perceptions of the role of  the regional disaster management agency (BPBD) in disaster risk reduction and the inhibiting and supporting factors faced by BPBD in Disaster Risk Reduction in Banda Aceh. The method used in this research is the descriptive analysis method, by using library and field research techniques. The techniques of data collections are through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that (1) there were no major disasters in 2011 in Banda Aceh. However, the role of BPBD in disaster risk reduction is very important. During this time, BPBD conducted training, socialization and disaster mitigation. Disaster preparation for resilient villages is executed by BPBD, starting from simulations, training, outreach and mitigation; (2) the inhibiting factor faced by BPBD in DRR in Banda Aceh is lack of budget and lack of community participation in the activities that carried out by the BPBD, and the supporting factor is that BPBD cooperates with the Department of Public Works, Health and the community, as well as the business world (hotel).

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